Bereaved Parents of the USA is a nationwide self-help organization designed to aid and support bereaved parents and their families as they struggle through their grief after the death of a child.
The purposes are to promote and aid parents in the positive resolution of the grief experienced upon the death of their child, and to foster the physical emotional health of bereaved parents and siblings. We aim to provide an atmosphere where personal change, growth, and resolution of grief is most apt to occur.
Present at meetings are parents who have worked through their own grief and who can be an example that parents can adjust to the death of a child and again find life meaningful and purposeful.
Bereaved Parents of the USA has no religious affiliations, we encourage members to speak freely and openly about what helps or hinders in coping with their grief, with respect and consideration for those who may disagree. We understand that every bereaved parent has individual needs and rights, we never suggest that there is a correct way to grieve or that there is a preferred solution to the emotional and spiritual dilemma raised by the death of our children.
Everyone deserves an opportunity to be heard. No one is compelled to speak. All have a responsibility to listen. We treat what is said at meetings as confidential, and what we learn about each other is privileged information.
This website is dedicated to all of our children who have died much too soon.
is the key to
survival for
bereaved parents
Talk to someone!
And through all the tears,
and the sadness
and the pain,
comes the one thought
that can make me
internally smile again:
I have Loved!
* * * *
The first time a memory
slides over us like a wave
of warmth,
we have turned the
corner of our grief.